Importance of fast loading website pages

A website page is simply a document commonly written in Hyper Text markup Language (HTML) that is accessible through internet or other networks using an internet browser. A web page is accessed by entering the URL address and may contain texts, graphics, or other web pages and files.

Website loading speed is crucial area of website development and profitable e-commerce. Desktop users expect a site to load within a second or two ,but mobile phone users are not that patient therefore end-up abandoning the website. Research has shown that one second-delay in page load time causes 7% loss in conversion and 11% fewer page views. For an online store earning $50,000 a day, that one second-delay adds up to more than $ 1 million in lost sales each year. Fast loading website pages are very crucial because:

Fast loading website pages increase high rankings in the search engines. Search engines like Google use page load in algorithms that determine search engine rankings, meaning they are more likely to guide shoppers to sites that load quickly. If you have slow loading web pages , you are likely to lose potential customers.

Optimizing your page load time is a great way to help users get where they are going faster. Happier shoppers are more easily converted to sales. Users who are frustrated by a slow -loading site are likely to “bounce”.That is visit your store once, leave and never return.

Research has shown that 40% of shoppers abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load. Loyal customers who slog through a slow experience are not unaffected either. A 1 second delay (or three seconds of waiting) decreases customer satisfaction by 16%. Lower satisfaction means slow pages are not just impacting that one customer visit, page load time can prevent customers from wanting to return to your site or recommend it to its friends.

Fast loading pages is the first thing a user notices about a website. Loading time is the first impression about your website page that matters. It can win visitors or can make them go never to come back. Saving time is always winning. Fast loading websites also increases the user experience. Testimonials, users, posts, comments etc increase user activity and engagement on a website. But the impact as well as user experience can be bad if pages are slow. Website visitors will find your site engaging if you provide good content, catching design and excellent loading speed.

At Trendpro Systems Ltd web developers ensure fast loading websites during the development process to enhance profitability of the websites they create for you.

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