Importance of security metrics in software development

With increasing advancement of technology in the past years there has been increased security issues and problems. In this connected world, security is a paramount and a challenging issue in software development. Rapid growth of technology in the last few decades has increased security problems seriously. Nowadays security metrics are used in numerous fields and considering security problems, issues and challenges from the early stage of stage of software development.

As more companies increasingly use agile development methods. Many are looking for ways to improve their application security. Today companies need to pursue how to measure risks in a way that inform action and how to use metrics to train the development staff in ways that prevent the creation of new vulnerabilities.

Below are some of the metrics that software development companies should track for better security;

Number of automated tests
This metric measures the number of applications covered by the security technologies. It indicates whether the investments you have made in security tooling are actually helping or even being used and whether they are always solved manually. Teams will respond more quickly to vulnerabilities and make less mistakes if you put more automation and a tighter feedback loop during the software development.

Flaw creation rate
As flaws are unavoidable, measuring the rate at which the vulnerabilities are created is still important. In general compare the flaw creation rate and the development team average time to fix the vulnerabilities. If your fix rate is higher than your new find rate, then you are going in the right direction.

Time required to resolve the vulnerabilities
Measure the average time to resolve vulnerabilities. In any development methodology, you are always going to have vulnerabilities, so how quickly you can resolve these issues is extremely important.

Percentage of the apps covered by the security.
Here determine the percentage of the applications that are part of the secure -development lifecycle. Companies should start with their most critical and exposed applications but then move on to finding every application no matter how old or seemingly insignificant. From

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