SaapCRM: Helping start-ups grow

SaapCRM: Helping start-ups grow

“The whole point of carrying out market surveys and retailer check-ups is to make sure that they are on track with our products and services.
To be able to get feedback from the field about the services we are providing. We need the field agents to bring reports on the way our products are faring in the market. We need to know whether the customers love our products or if there are recommendations being offered. > Are the products faulty? Do the products need some sort of fine tuning to suit the needs and wants of the customers? Are our clients satisfied with our services? Are they willing to pay more for our product and services or are they already looking for plan “Bs”?”

That is what most CEO and managers wish to have in their companies, feedback and progress reports on their businesses. They use these reports to come up with crucial decisions for their businesses. They also use such reports to create better service delivery methods and to design better products for their customers. A software development company such as Trendpro Systems will create better software for its clients based on the feedback it gets from the clients and other users of their products.
While talking to some CEOs and managers of fast moving consumers goods’ companies last week, one of their common setback was about the time spent getting the reports using pen and paper and their ‘cheating’ field agents.
“You send an agent to the field and he/she takes a lot of time before giving you the feedback form. These slow activities waste a lot of our time; waiting for the reports and then handing them over to the secretary to key them in! It takes so much time.”

The small companies’ and start-ups’ managers agreed that they shared similar challenges only that that latter had an extra hurdle! The human resources, the agents to send out there to get data on services and products are limited. With a start-up company, you obviously don’t have the numbers in terms of workers compared to the large and the established companies; therefore, you need smart ways of working.
Their woes are common among many companies here in Kenya and East Africa yet most of them revolve around time wastage in data collection and data processing. This ends up slowing down the decision-making process that is crucial to the company managers.

Well, with that said, let’s offer some solutions now, shall we? After listening to the stories, there is one simple thing to say, SaapCRM. Yes, SaapCRM! This is a data collection and analytics software that was developed by Trendpro systems in 2014 to help in the whole process of information gathering, processing and report generation. With this easy to use software, the whole process of data collection to report generation can be accomplished in lesser time and with more efficiency.
It saves the time spent travelling back to the offices to deliver the “handwritten” data to be keyed-in for processing. With the mobile app version of the software, the field agents can easily collect data, take pictures of the outlets in real-time and submit the already generated report to the manager with a press of a button. This makes it so easy, efficient and saves time. The manager will access the SaapCRM back-end to view the submitted data as soon as he/she can. With SaapCRM, an agent cannot cheat about going to the field to gather data. It tracks field agents using GPS to let you know where each and every agent is at a given time.

This awesome software will help the large-fast moving consumer goods’ companies to operate with much ease. Get reports and ensure that their business decisions are not dragged.
At Trendpro Systems, clients are offered a free trial for their company, after which they will decide to buy the software. Later on, more advice is offered by the highly qualified Trendpro systems team on installations and on how to use the software.

Read more articles on marketing and customer relations here. Contact us for web design and mobile app development services. Have a look at SaapCRM and how it works here.

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