Streamline your decision making process with SaapCRM

Decision making is very critical and we all make decisions every time. But how can we do it right? It's a question everyone would like to know because we all want to get our expected gain when we decide to take some action. To make the right decision we have to estimate the odds of us getting the expected gain if we decide to do some action. The problem comes when we over/underestimate the odds of our expected gain from an action or when we misestimate the value of our expected gain and that's what results in bad decisions.

Three things commonly affect our estimation process in decision making namely; personal bias, outdated worldviews/facts and the news bias. These factors distort our estimation process hence we tend to overvalue some situations and therefore make bad decisions about them. For example, due to frequent terror reports a government might end up investing more on anti terror activities which claim very few lives and ignore a situation like malaria in healthcare which claims way more lives in a year. Hence a bad public investment decision occurs.

To rise above such scenarios especially in an organisation where a bad decision can result in catastrophic consequences, managers need better and real time data to base their decision making processes rather than intuition which clearly can be wrong. A platform like SaapCRM is designed to capture and avail real time field data and do analysis on the data. It then avails the information on interactive dashboards making your decision making process seamless.

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