Signing contracts for your mobile or web applications development

I am yet to meet an individual who likes paying extra charges to any service or good they are buying. At the point where they notice that extra charge, they all frown and demand an explanation and some even cancel that purchase and walk out with frustration. Software development services are no exception to this, the costs of developing an application also include other extra charges like third party costs which include; the application’s hosting services in some server, Google’s Play Store; the government’s Value Added Tax, legal fees to facilitate the drawing and signing of legal contracts among others.

A number of people would love to do away with some of these charges especially the legal fees and at this point many wish we were in an ideal world where every developer’s word would be trusted to deliver the client’s expectations and every developer hopes the client knows exactly what they have said they want so that they don’t end up changing their expectations so much to the extent that the application ends up demanding so many substantial changes initially not reflected in the agreement.

Quite a number of software clients have ever taken this leap of faith and trusted a developer to develop their application without a legally backed contract. They hope that, the developer understood their expectations fully and a simple call would solve any matter arising. On the other hand quite a number of developers especially those starting out their career have entered into an agreement to develop applications for clients without a legal contract. They fear that if they insist on a contract it would show lack of trust in the client’s word or that they lack good intentions for the project. The result of this hopeful environment is that when things go as unexpected, there is a rise in uncompleted project, paranoid software clients, bankrupt developers developing projects they were underpaid for among other situation which were unforeseen at the start of the project.

They fear that if they insist on a contract it would show lack of trust in the client’s word or that they lack good intentions for the project.

The above brings us to the point of being comfortable to incur that extra cost of a legal contract when developing your application. First we need to put it clear that signing a contract doesn’t imply that you lack trust in the other party or that you have bad intentions, rather it ensures you have clearly laid down your expectations and understanding of the project in writing and the other party has the chance to review and ensure their expectations and understanding of the project are at par with yours before the project kicks off. This ensures you enter into an open and honest relationship which produces results everyone is happy with hence less chances of misunderstanding or misinterpretation, and that shows value and respect of the relationship with the other party rather than the lack of trust and bad intentions that most people think about signing contracts.

At TrendPro Systems Ltd we have it as a best practice to send our clients a clear and detailed contract so that they can review it and see if we have clearly captured their expectations. Once we are at par, they can go ahead and sign the contract and we commence the project ensuring we deliver our end in the stipulated timeline and they also deliver their bit with no room for misinterpretation. This results in a win/win situation and a healthy relationship favourable for repeat businesses and success.

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