Ruby On Rails

Experience tells us that by using Ruby on Rails, we can rapidly get your products to market, while maintaining a high standard of code quality.

Why we love Rails

Batteries included + Active development + A wonderful community

Batteries included

Rails was the first non-enterprise, opinionated, complete Web framework. It had built-in pluralization of nouns! Database migrations! Distinct runtime environments! A huge bag of helper methods that abstracts common tasks and makes code read beautifully.

Active development

We still use Rails because it solves its specific problem the best, thanks to the years of development over other systems. Django is the closest competitor, but it has historically lacked the people-power that the Rails ecosystem had. For secure, stable, boring, simple CRUD: Rails. For most of the Web: Rails.

A wonderful communit

Once we got into Rails it became clear that there was a great open source community around Ruby and Rails which made doing new or even scary things a lot simpler.

Want to have a quick chat?

We are only a phone call away +254 792 98 53 80